
Saturday, 10 September 2016

Book Review: Strictly My Husband by Tracy Bloom

Today I'm excited to be joining the Strictly My Husband Promo Party in association with Brook Cottage Books! And you know how I like to party.

So get your sequins on and shimmy and salsa your way through my review...

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for the ARC.
The Blurb:
Laura loves it when Tom takes her for a late night tango around the kitchen after their friends have gone home and they’re avoiding the washing up. She can’t dance but who cares when no one is watching?
All that changes when Tom arrives on the doorstep with Carly, a professional dancer, and announces he’s offered her the spare room to rent while she performs in a show that Tom is directing.
An outraged Laura doesn’t feel like dancing with Tom anymore but Carly does. It only takes two to tango, and given Tom’s history who knows where it could end? Will Laura be the one left watching from the sidelines whilst Carly waltzes off with her husband’s heart?
Couples who dance together stay together – or do they?

My Review:

Strictly My Husband is a glitter ball of a read which doesn't miss a step, with loads of chuckles which keep you laughing. 

I found the main character rather annoying, although we all know the jealous type! To be fair, I think I'd be pretty pissed off if my husband invited someone to stay without consulting with me. But Laura's jealousy seems to take her over. After all, it takes two to Tango...

Carly is talented and beautiful, everything Laura feels she's not, but I didn't find much depth to the character; she was just a bit too sickly sweet. She did seem to fawn over Laura's husband Tom, but I think I expected a bit more to happen with this character.

There was also a couple in an unhappy marriage, with neither partner appearing to admit to their problems. Hannah is tired of Jerry's constant ogling and spending; he thinks she is a killjoy.  I found their issues were resolved in quite a sweet way, if a little too nice for real life

My favourite character is Amy, Tom's acerbic assistant. She has the courage to say what everyone else is thinking - she's great.

The story has a good pace to it, and is full of natural flowing dialogue. It's told from several of the characters POV, which gives some insight into their thoughts and feelings. This shows how differently people can perceive a situation to great effect - seeing Tom's version of events vs Laura's is often hilarious.

This book is pure light-hearted escapism.

You can buy Strictly My Husband here (other retailers are available...)

Tracy Bloom – The Low Down

Tracy Bloom was born quite a while ago, is average to short in height, buys clothes based on their ability to hide stuff rather than show stuff, has chemically enhanced hair and wishes she had kept her braces in longer as a teenager. But apart from that she is really happy to try and describe herself! 

Tracy has always liked to say it how it is in her writing, right from when she began her first novel NO-ONE EVER HAS SEX ON A TUESDAY nearly ten years ago. Her insight and wit has led her to be a number one bestseller, published in over a dozen countries and twice winner of the Love Stories Awards for Best Author Published Romance.

Twitter: @TracyBBloom

Goodreads Author Page:

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